Sunday, November 25, 2007

Half rate for children ?

Administering anesthesia to little tots is great challenge to a Anaesthsiologist.Many of the anesthisiologist refuse to give anesthesia to tiny tots,as the risk involved is ten foldsas compared to adults.Children demand a highest degree of competence from an anesthesiologists ,because of their small weight they need normally the least dose of drugs,moreever all the systems are not well developed to take on the potent drugs used in anesthesia.Chiledren easily go in for cynosis(turning blue)because of breathholding spells,suffer hypothermia (body temp goes down easily),and they do not tolerate the less oxygen supply at times complicating the anesthesia.One more problem is that few of the mothers would feed the child when it cries,with our understanding the gravity of the situation of feeding infants before anesthesia,incedently under anesthesia when the body reflexes are lost, the contents of the stomach will flood the lungs causing pnemonia and at times sudden deathve To name a few above are the problems we face in anesthetising the infants and childrenAt times we will be under lot of tension fearing about the outcome of surgery and anesthesia in paediatric age group.We sigh a relief when we see the child crying at the end of the surgery and anesthesia,exactly for the above reasons the anesthesiologists charge double charges of an adult.Once I managed anesthesia on a kid who had huge lump in the neck,the surgery took around two hours, i had to giveblood tranfusions for the baby to save her from the catastrope of blood loss and cardiac arrest.After handing over the baby to her mother after anesthesia I was really feeling on top of the world for I had managed sucessfully the anesthesia on a challenging case in that child,but I was brought to earth, when the owner of the hospital who happened to be non medico,casully commented that charges should be half rate as in KSRTC busfare !!!! for a kid.