Sunday, September 23, 2007

Near death experiences :one

I was called to anesthetise a patient of 80 yrs with the big wound on his leg,posted for debridement of the wound and skin grafting. A cursory examination did not reveal any major problem with the patient exeept his old age and age related problems.
I decided to offer him a spinal unilater anaesthesia blunting his senses on one of his leg.Which i thought would not alter his physiology, and the patient would tolerate the procedure well.
Well the procedure of debridement and grafing was over in no time, with the patient in a stable condition,I left the OR room to change over to my dress,leaving the patient under the care of the OR sister.
A loud shout of the sister brought me back to OR room.Patient had collapsed, turning blue,with no pulse,respiration,and BP. I thought I lost the patient once for all.My thoughts were how to answer the patients relatives,and surgical team about the disaster.
I pumped up all the courage,took the name of God ,prayed and went ahead with the resusciation. I immediately gave a thump on the chest to generate a heart impulse,pushed Inj.Adrenaline iv to improve the circulation,passed a ET tube in to the throat and started with the artificial ventilation.To my surprise and with Gods grace my prayers were answered.
Patient recovered in a matter of 10 minutes of resusciation,back to his conciousness and started to react to us,asking a usual dialogue in a filmy style,'muze kya huva tha ,mai kaha hun' reliving me of the tension i had so for!!
I left the scene leaving the patient under ICU care,thanking God, to anaesthetise the next patient !


711Coffee said...

Thank GOD I didn't become a Doc

I can always go back to the previous step any moment by doing a undo.

drcmadhu said...
